Start Planning Today
Retirement planning is essential regardless of your age. The earlier you start planning and saving for retirement, the better off you'll be in the long run.
However, even if you're starting later in life, it's never too late to begin taking steps towards securing your financial future.
Here are some considerations for retirement planning at different stages of life:
1. In your 20s:
- Start saving early: Begin contributing to a retirement account, such as a TFSA or a Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP). Take advantage of any employer-matching contributions.
- Establish an emergency fund: Set aside three to six months' worth of living expenses in a readily accessible savings account.
- Prioritize debt repayment: Work on paying off any high-interest debts, such as credit cards or student loans, to avoid carrying them into your retirement years.
2. In your 30s:
- Assess your retirement goals: Determine the lifestyle you envision during retirement and estimate the amount of money you'll need.
- Increase your savings rate: Aim to save at least 10-15% of your income for retirement. As your income grows, consider boosting your contributions.
- Diversify your investments: Allocate your retirement savings across various asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) to manage risk and potentially increase returns.
- Consider long-term care insurance: Explore the option of purchasing long-term care insurance to protect against potential medical expenses in retirement.
3. In your 40s:
- Review and adjust your retirement plan: Evaluate your retirement goals and assess whether you're on track. Make adjustments if necessary to stay on course.
- Maximize contributions: Take advantage of higher contribution limits for retirement accounts and strive to reach those limits.
- Stay informed about Public Pensions: Familiarize yourself with Canada's Pension Plan CPP and Old Age Security OAS system and understand how your benefits will be calculated. The more you pay into CPP over the years the more you will be eligible to collect.
- You are eligible to collect CPP at the age of 60. Deferring your CPP will result in higher payments. Learn more on Public Pensions Here.
- You are eligible for OAS at age 65. Deferring your OAS will result in higher payments.
4. In your 50s:
- Catch-up contributions: If you're behind on retirement savings, utilize catch-up contributions allowed for individuals aged 50 and older.
- Reassess your investment strategy: As retirement approaches, consider shifting towards a more conservative investment approach to protect your savings.
- Estimate retirement expenses: Review your anticipated retirement expenses, accounting for healthcare costs, travel, and other potential factors.
5. In your 60s and beyond:
- Develop a withdrawal strategy: Determine the most tax-efficient and sustainable way to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts during retirement.
- Prescription Drug planning: Understand the options and costs associated with prescriptions, supplemental insurance, and long-term care.
- Continually monitor your finances: Regularly evaluate your retirement savings, investment performance, and adjust your strategy if needed.
- Consider retirement lifestyle: Plan how you'll spend your time during retirement, including hobbies, travel, and potential part-time work.
Remember, retirement planning is a lifelong process. Supercharge your well-being with knowledge of what is possible to help you navigate the complexities of retirement saving and investing based on your specific circumstances and goals.
Adrienne Ashworth is a high energy, holistic, trans-formational Life Coach who helps women prioritize their well-being and take action with profound and sustaining results through her flexible coaching program Women Living Deliberately(TM).
She opened Tweak Solutions Inc in 2018 but has been coaching & empowering women since 2004. She is a member and accredited ICF Life Coach who provides coaching remotely from her office in BC, Canada.
Schedule a consultation or take her instant online Well-being Self-Assessment to embark on your holistic, trans-formative journey where you will prioritize your well-being in all area's of your life.
Start living deliberately today!
